Philosophy of General Education
The General Education component of college life is designed to expose all students to a common body of knowledge. The learning outcomes of general education will be common to all students regardless of major. Goals leading to these outcomes will be incorporated into classroom practices by faculty so that course objectives will be clearly linked to the goals of general education.
General Education Assessment Rationale
The General Education component consists of institution-wide requirements that prepare students to assume an active role in their society and require them to build skills for advanced studies and lifelong learning. The general education component directly targets cognitive skills but indirectly develops affective skills such as learning to be an effective citizen, building self-esteem, and appreciating the arts. These skills directly affect the quality of the individual’s life. However, the development of such skills defies quantitative measurement and may not be otherwise evident for several years. For purposes of assessment, the general education component at North Arkansas College focuses on measurable outcomes.
General Learning Outcomes
When students have completed the general education component of their studies, they should be able to demonstrate mastery in:
- Critical thinking and problem solving across disciplines.
- Life skills in areas such as teamwork, interpersonal relationships, ethics, and study habits.
- Clearly communicating in written and oral formats.
- Using technology appropriate for learning.
- Understanding issues of a diverse global society.
- Using math and/or statistical skills.
Transfer Curriculum
Many students have plans for completing a baccalaureate degree at a senior college or university. At Northark, these students have an opportunity to begin work that will apply toward the completion of requirements for a major field of study at a four-year institution. Advisors assist students in the selection of courses leading to the proper sequences.
Students who plan to attend a particular college should consult the catalog and admissions office of that college for information concerning required and elective courses.
State Minimum Core Curriculum
Act 98 of 1989 provides for the establishment of a minimum core of courses which will apply toward the general education core requirements for baccalaureate degrees at state-supported institutions of higher education and which will be fully transferable between state institutions. The term “State Minimum Core” will be used to describe this core curriculum.
Before transferring to any institution, a student should check with the transfer counselor at that institution to verify courses required by particular majors.
Courses included in the college’s core curriculum are as follows:
English/Communications (Nine hours required from the following)
ENGL 1013 - English Composition I
ENGL 1023 - English Composition II
SPCH 2303 - Public Speaking
Math (Three hours required from the following)
MAT 1223 - College Algebra
MAT 1233 - Trigonometry
MAT 1243 - Quantitative Literacy
MAT 2123 - Survey of Calculus
MAT 2133 - Introduction to Statistics
MAT 2204 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MAT 2304 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
MAT 2404 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus III
Science (Eight hours required from the following)
BIOL 1004 - General Biology for Non-Majors
BIOL 1014 - General Biology
BIOL 1144 - Environmental Biology
BIOL 1304 - General Botany
BIOL 1504 - General Zoology
BIOL 2014 - Microbiology
BIOL 2214 - Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2224 - Anatomy and Physiology II
CHEM 1214 - Fundamentals of Chemistry
CHEM 1415 - College Chemistry I
CHEM 1425 - College Chemistry II
GEOL 1014 - General Geology
PHSC 1004 - Fundamentals of Physical Science
PHSC 1044 - Introduction to Astronomy
PHSC 1104 Earth Science
PHYS 2014 - College Physics I
PHYS 2024 - College Physics II
PHYS 2144 - University Physics I
Humanities (Six hours required from the following in 2 areas)
ENGL 2013 - American Literature I
ENGL 2023 - American Literature II
ENGL 2213 - World Literature I
ENGL 2223 - World Literature II
ART 1003 - Art Appreciation
FA 1203 - Film Classics I
FA 1213 - Film Classics II
FL 1303 - Beginning Spanish I and II
FL 1313 - Beginning Spanish II
FL 2303 - Intermediate Spanish I
FL 2313 - Intermediate Spanish II
DRAM 1003 - Theatre Appreciation
MUS 1003 - Music Appreciation
PHIL 1003 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1103 - Critical Thought
PHIL 2203 - World Religions
Social Sciences (Three hours required from the following)
HIST 2003 - United States History I
HIST 2013 - United States History II
PLSC 2003 - American National Government
Social & Behavioral Sciences (Six hours required from the following)
ECON 2313 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2323 - Principles of Microeconomics
GEOG 2003 - Human Geography
HIST 1113 - World Civilizations I
HIST 1123 - World Civilizations II
PSYC 2003 - General Psychology
PSYC 2103 - Human Growth and Development
SOC 2013 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC 2203 - Social Problems