Mar 13, 2025
CHEM 1415 - College Chemistry I Credits: 5 This algebra-based chemistry course is applicable for chemistry and other science majors and preprofessional students. This is the first course of a two-course sequence. The course content provides a foundation for work in advanced chemistry and related sciences and includes in-depth study of nomenclature, atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry, bonding, and reactions. Prerequisite(s): 19 or higher (ACT Reading) or 82 or higher (COMPASS Reading) or completion of CP 0913 with “C” or better or co-requisite CP 0912 AND 21 or higher (ACT Math) or 54 or higher (COMPASS Algebra) or 1 or higheCollege Algebra) or completion of CP 0933 with “C” or better. (ACTS Department/Number/Title - CHEM 1414 Chemistry I for Science Majors)
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