Feb 10, 2025  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Auxiliary Education Services

Adult Education Program

This program assists adults in the North Arkansas College service area to improve basic skills or complete their educational goals through the high school level. To enroll, students must be 16 years or older, not currently enrolled in a high school, and meet other state and local requirements.

Adult Basic Education

This program accepts adults who are seeking assistance in improving skills equivalent to the basic grades of one through twelve. The instruction is provided FREE of charge to all students. Individualized as well as small group instruction is available. Subjects include reading, math, spelling, and writing.

General Educational Development (G.E.D.)

This FREE program accepts students who seek assistance in completing their GED (High School Equivalency). The GED credential is based on four tests. The tests cover reading and writing, social studies, science, and mathematics. The tests also measure communication, information-processing, problem solving, and critical-thinking skills. The GED Test is designed to measure academic skills and knowledge in subjects that are learned during four years of high school. The GED Test is then taken on the computer. Classes are offered to help students learn individually or in a small group.

English as a Second Language

The Adult Education Program offers free English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for all individuals whose native language is not English. ESL classes are offered in Boone, Carroll, and Madison Counties.

The main adult education center is located at the Center Campus of North Arkansas College. Classes and tutorial services are available in Boone, Carroll, Madison, Marion, and Newton Counties. For additional information, please call the Adult Education Department at (870) 391-3198 or (870) 423-4455 in Berryville.

Bachelor’s Degrees

North Arkansas College students can complete a bachelor’s degree without having to leave the community. We do this by partnering with 10 colleges and universities for various degree options for students. These partnerships allow students to complete freshman and sophomore classes at North Arkansas College and the junior and senior level courses at the partnering institution. Some junior and senior level courses are offered online, on North Arkansas College’s campus or at the participating four-year institution. Students can even be enrolled in coursework at both institutions simultaneously.

Participating Four-Year Institutions:

American Public University
After earning an associate’s degree at Northark, students can receive a bachelor of art or bachelor of science degree in general studies, history, intelligence studies, management, retail management, security management, information systems security, sports and health sciences, reverse logistics management or transportation and logistics management. All courses are online through American Public University.

Arkansas Tech University
The Arkansas Tech Partnership Program, which combines the efforts of North Arkansas College and Arkansas Tech University, allows students the opportunity to complete bachelor’s degrees in elementary education, nursing, agriculture, agriculture business, applied leadership, criminal justice, early childhood education, industrial/organizational psychology, information technology, interdisciplinary studies or public relations without having to travel to Russellville.

Arkansas State University
Students who earn an associate of science in criminal justice at Northark, can receive a bachelor’s degree in criminology with online and ITV classes from Arkansas State University. In 2016, students can begin enrolling in the global supply chain management degree. Northark and ASU have an agreement that allows students to take classes at Northark to earn an associate of science in business and finish a bachelor of science in global supply chain management at ASU completely online and at time that fit into their busy schedules.

Cox College of Nursing
Students can earn a Bachelor of Science in nursing or Bachelor of Science in diagnostic imaging with online courses.

Drury University
After earning an associate’s degree at Northark, students can receive a bachelor of art in business administration or Bachelor of Science degrees in health science or organizational communication and development from Drury. Students must complete an associate degree at Northark. Failure to do so will limit the transfer credit award. To meet requirements for graduation from Drury, a student must earn a combined 124 hours to include 36 hours of upper division credit as well as all other program requirements.

Franklin University
Eligible students may earn a bachelor’s degree in any of 36 business areas through Franklin University. Students combine their associate’s degree with online courses through Franklin.

John Brown University
Students can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration or liberal arts with online courses.

University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
Students can earn a Bachelor of Science in nursing or Bachelor of Science in imaging science or a bachelor of applied science or Bachelor of Science in organizational leadership through online, distance and onsite classes.

University of Arkansas
Students can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing online from the University of Arkansas. The RN to BSN online program provides the opportunity for registered nurses with an associate’s degree or diploma to earn a BSN in nursing, improving their earning potential.

University of Central Arkansas
The most common type of articulation agreement with UCA and community college is a “2+2” agreement, which details a specific set of courses that the students can take at Northark in order to earn an associate degree. UCA guarantees to accept the successful completion of this associate degree as fulfillment for the first two years of a specified baccalaureate degree program.

For a complete list of Bachelor Degrees, please visit the North Arkansas College website at www.northark.edu/academics/bachelors-degrees/index.

Career Ladder Programs (Nursing)

Upon completion of the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) at Northark, students may be eligible to enter a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) completion program. Contact the Dean of Allied Health for more information.

Career Pathways

The Arkansas Career Pathways Initiative is an economic development grant-funded program for low income parents who desire to improve their employment opportunities through education and/or training. Students who have a child under the age of 21 living in the home with them and are current or past TEA recipients, or are receiving benefits from DHS such as Medicaid or food stamps, or are at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level should qualify for Career Pathways.

Career Pathways assists with financial barriers such as tuition, childcare, and transportation. CPI will also provide academic and career counseling, remediation in preparation for college entrance exams, tutoring, referrals to outside assistance agencies, and coordination with other Northark assistance programs. CPI facilitates student employment through job readiness skills training, Career Readiness Certification (CRC), resume writing, employment research, placement, and follow-up. We “wrap” our students with total support so they can become self-sustaining citizens of their community.

Career Pathways offices are located in Suite 201 on the second floor of the Northark Center Campus and can be reached at (870) 391-3153.

Community Nursing Assistant Program

The Nursing Assistant Program introduces basic concepts and principles in assisting with nursing care. The program emphasizes development of fundamental nurse assistant skills, techniques, and knowledge. The program serves as a starting point for a variety of health careers. Clinical experience in area health care facilities provides the student an opportunity to develop nursing skills by giving direct patient care. The Nursing Assistant Certificate of Proficiency prepares students to successfully complete requirements to be eligible to take the Certified Nursing Assistant Examination. For further information contact Michelle Hirsh at (870) 391-3347.

Continuing and Community Education

Continuing and Community Education is a vital service of the total educational program at North Arkansas College. Northark is dedicated to providing education opportunities for all who can profit from the instruction. Continuing and Community Education offerings are developed in response to observed or stated needs, requests, and interests of the residents of our community. The thrust of the non-credit program is to provide meaningful, lifelong learning for citizens of all ages to develop their personal potential, upgrade occupational skills, or simply engage in recreational activity. These courses are offered as non-credit and professional credit courses, seminars, workshops, and other activities. Customized programs can be developed to meet the workforce development needs of businesses and industries in Northark’s service area. We are committed to offering quality, continuing and community education programs and to sharing the academic talents and college resources with the community we serve. For further information, contact the Continuing & Community Education Department at (870) 391-3100.

Cooperative Work Experience

Cooperative Work Experience provides an opportunity for students to obtain additional experience in a work setting. North Arkansas College personnel will develop appropriate training stations and provide supervision in cooperation with business and industry.

Each training station develops training plans. Cooperative work experience may be substituted for courses only in the major field. Related classes must be completed or arrangements made to attend these classes during Cooperative Work Experience, which will occur during final four weeks of the student’s last semester.


  1. To provide on-the-job work experience for students in the last semester of training in the service area in which they are enrolled.
  2. To provide training on equipment and in actual situations which students would not have available in school.
  3. To expose students to potential career opportunities.
  4. To enhance students’ transition from an educational setting to the world of employment.
  5. To positively promote vocational education to the business and industrial communities.
  6. To provide local business/industry with a cost-effective alternative to recruiting and training entry-level employees.

Developmental Education

For a variety of reasons, students may not have the academic background they need to succeed in college-level courses. For this reason, North Arkansas College offers College Preparatory courses (courses with a prefix of CP) for students who need additional academic work before enrolling in college classes. The goal of these college preparatory classes is to help students make a successful adjustment to college. Classes are offered in English, math, reading, and study skills. It should be noted that courses numbered below 1000 do not count toward graduation, nor are they included when the registrar calculates grade point averages for the Dean’s List.

Emergency Medical Services

Emergency Medical Responder
The Emergency Medical Responder is the frontline EMS Provider who volunteers with area responders to provide skills acquired in this course. This entry-level EMS training requires problem solving, patient assessment, people skills, and knowledge of the EMS system. This course allows someone to explore an interest in the EMS field. Following the National Standard Curriculum, this course assists anyone who needs to be the first on the scene, especially useful to police, firemen, school bus drivers, public service personnel, or others interested in pursuing an EMS career.

EMS 1022 - Emergency Medical Responder 2  

Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
Advanced EMT is the level between EMT and Paramedic. This is the entry level into advanced life support. This course follows the 1985 Department of Transportation National Standard Curriculum and reviews basic principles and procedures and introduces advanced techniques in emergency care. It covers fluid resuscitation and advanced airways procedures. Successful completion of these courses allows the student to challenge the Certification Exam to become certified in Arkansas. Prerequisite: Arkansas EMT Certification.

EMS 1107 - Advanced Emergency Medical Technician 7

Honors Program

North Arkansas College’s Honors Program offers creative and stimulating learning opportunities for exceptional students. Honors sections of general education classes are taught each semester. All honors courses transfer to four-year institutions and/or count toward an associate degree. Honors students work in small classes on individual and group activities. To graduate from the honors program, students need a 3.3 GPA and 18 hours of honors classes, including Critical Thought - PHIL 1103 . They may take honors classes without completing the requirements for graduation. The requirements for taking an honors class are: 1) a 22 composite ACT and 3.3 GPA from high school, 2) a 23 ACT English and 3.3 GPA from high school, OR 3) 12 or more college hours with a 3.3 GPA. If students do not meet the requirements for taking an honors class, they may still take a class with permission of the instructor and honors coordinator. For further information and eligibility requirements, contact Sherri Townsend at 391-3279.


In 1997, North Arkansas Regional Medical Center (NARMC) and North Arkansas College formed a not-for-profit partnership known as the North Arkansas Partnership for Health Education (NAPHE) to provide regional health education programs and services.

After almost 19 years delivering programs and services which address the root causes of poor health for residents in the northwestern region of Arkansas, NAPHE now stands poised and ready to engage in a new decade of strategic growth and development into Year 20 and beyond! Comprised of many network partners who bring additional expertise and resources to the programs undertaken by the organization, NAPHE has engaged partners such as the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock, the national Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, the Arkansas Cancer Coalition, the Arkansas Coalition on Obesity Prevention, the Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging in Little Rock, the Schmieding Center for Senior Health and Education in Springfield, the statewide Area Health Education Centers system, the Corporation for National and Community Service- AmeriCorps VISTA Program, the Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Arkansas, the Blue and You Foundation, the North Arkansas College Foundation, the North Arkansas Regional Medical Center Foundation, the Carroll County Community Foundation, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure-Ozark Affiliate, the Arkansas Children’s Hospital Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Network, the Healthy Families America National Accreditation Program, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Drug Free Communities Program, the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, the South Central Accreditation Program for Continuing Nursing Education, the Arkansas Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program, the Arkansas Office of Long Term Care, and many other local and regional healthcare and workforce development programs in northwestern Arkansas…including local county Hometown Health Improvement Coalitions. Co-Sponsored by North Arkansas College and North Arkansas Regional Medical Center, the NAPHE Partnership serves as a state and federal model for effective community collaboration to address community health education, health career exploration, health profession and workforce training, wellness, healthy lifestyles, senior health, substance abuse prevention, child abuse and neglect, and teen pregnancy.

NAPHE is proud to offer the following programs and services:

  • Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program
  • MedProEd Program (CNA) for High School Students
  • Healthcare Workforce Training Certifications
  • Accredited Professional Continuing Education Conferences
  • Consumer Health Education
  • Prescription Drug Assistance
  • Breast Health Services
  • Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling
  • Wellness Education
  • Tobacco Use Prevention and Resources
  • Drug, Alcohol, and Prescription Medication Use Prevention and Resources
  • Emergency Medical Training and Certification Programs
  • Senior Health and Caregiver Education and Training
  • CPR and First Aid Training for Healthcare Professionals
  • Youth Health Career Explorations and Career Planning
  • VISTA Community Volunteer Services and Capacity Building
  • Access to Community Health Resources
  • Chronic Disease Support Groups
  • Cancer Survivorship Education and Support Groups

NAPHE is a unique partnership which has been recognized locally, statewide, and nationally on many occasions for Outstanding Programs and Services, a few of which include:

  • Outstanding Arkansas Organization Award
  • Worldwide “Benchmark Practice for Outstanding Achievement”
  • Arkansas “Thrive” Award
  • Chamber of Commerce ” Outstanding Organization Award”
  • “Outstanding VISTA Project” Award
  • Boone County Leadership Award
  • And Many Others!

NAPHE and its Dr. Dan J. Hawkins Community Health Resource Center (CHRC) are located in the Durand Center on the North Arkansas College Center Campus in downtown Harrison. For information about NAPHE programs and services, phone 870-391-3367, visit our website at www.northark.edu/naphe or stop in at our CHRC located at 303 N. Main, Harrison, AR (Ph: 870-743-CHRC).

Northark Technical Center

The Northark Technical Center (NTC) allows highly motivated high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who reside in the North Arkansas College service area to take technical courses on the college campus. Students may earn elective high school credits each year as well as earning college credits in one of many different technical programs. Students spend one-half day at their high school and one-half day on the Northark campus. The participating high schools and the Arkansas Department of Career Education provide funding for tuition and fees, and the Northark Technical Center loans textbooks to the students at no additional cost. Credit earned while attending the Northark Technical Center may be combined with articulated credit earned at local high schools which may enable students to complete up to a full year of a college program while still in high school. Detailed information about the opportunities available through the NTC and Northark’s Articulated Credit Policy can be viewed at www.northark.edu.

Students interested in enrolling at the Northark Technical Center should contact their high school counselor or call the Technical Center at 870-391-3146.

Programs available to high school students at the Northark Technical Center include:

Automotive Service Technology
The Automotive Service Technology (AST) program prepares high school students for entry-level positions as Automotive Service Technicians. All courses taken through the Northark Technical Center may be applied toward a Technical Certificate or an Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Collision Repair Technology
The Collision Repair Technology (CRT) program prepares high school students for entry-level positions in the Collision Repair industry. All courses taken through the Northark Technical Center may be applied towards a Technical Certificate or an Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Construction Technology/Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
The Construction Technology/Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) program prepares the student for entry-level positions in the construction industry. All courses taken through the Northark Technical Center may be applied toward a Technical Certificate or an Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Engineering Technology
The Engineering Technology program prepares students for careers in engineering technology, manufacturing, and biomedical equipment repair. Students will enroll in a series of courses offering lecture and a hands-on, problem-solving method of learning.

Medical Professions Education
The Medical Professions Education program prepares high school students for careers in health care professions, including entry level jobs as Certified Nursing Assistants and Emergency Medical Technicians. All courses taken through the Northark Technical Center may be applied toward a Certificate or an Associate of Applied Science Degree.

The Welding Technology (WLD) program provides high school students training to develop welding skills. All courses taken through the Northark Technical Center may be applied towards a Technical Certificate or an Associate of Applied Science Degree.

Online Learning

Northark students have the opportunity to take many courses online on e-Learning, the learning management system available through the Northark Portal. Some courses are offered entirely online, requiring students to come to campus (or another approved proctored site) to take major exams and/or a final exam. Other courses are available in a blended format, allowing students to complete a course partially on campus face-to-face with an instructor and partially online. Both fully online and blended courses carry a co-requisite of Northark Student Orientation course (ORT 1000).

Students who would like more information about the online learning program may contact the Director of Online Learning, 391-3263.

STEMPrep Partnership with the University of Arkansas

The STEM Preparation Program is designed for students at two-year colleges in Arkansas who are interested in a degree in science, engineering or math. Through this program, Northark students can take selected University of Arkansas science, engineering and math classes online at Northark tuition rates.