Feb 17, 2025  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

Schedule of Tuition and Fees

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees and the Arkansas Department of Higher Education has approved the following schedule of fees, current at the time of publication.

Semester Fall 2016

Hours In-County Out-Of-County Contiguous Out-Of-State
  (68+3+2+10+3+1) (92+3+2+10+3+1) (116+3+2+10+3+1) (163+3+2+10+3+1)
Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5
1 68 92 116 163
2 136 184 232 326
3 204 276 348 489
4 272 368 464 652
5 340 460 580 815
6 408 552 696 978
7 476 644 812 1,141
8 544 736 928 1,304
9 612 828 1,044 1,467
10 680 920 1,160 1,630
11 748 1,012 1,276 1,793
12 816 1,104 1,392 1,956
13 884 1,196 1,508 2,119
14 952 1,288 1,624 2,282
15 1,020 1,380 1,740 2,445
16 1,088 1,472 1,856 2,608
17 1,156 1,564 1,972 2,771
18 1,224 1,656 2,088 2,934
19 1,292 1,748 2,204 3,097
20 1,360 1,840 2,320 3,260
21 1,428 1,932 2,436 3,423
22 1,496 2,024 2,552 3,586
23 1,564 2,116 2,668 3,749
24 1,632 2,208 2,784 3,912
25 1,700 2,300 2,900 4,075

*Fees: $3 Activity Fee $2 SS Fee $10 Technology Fee $3 Safety & Parking Fee $1 Student Gov’t Fee


Additional Fees

CDL Class A Fee - $200.00

Compass Test Fee - $6.00

Health Professions Program Fee - $28.00 per Health Professional course credit hour (Radiologic Technology, Surgical Technology, Emergency Medical Science, Registered Nursing, Practical Nursing, Medical Lab Technician, and Certified Nursing Assistant program courses).

Insufficient Check Fee - $15.00

Science Lab Fee - $8.00 per Science Course Credit Hour (Course prefix of AGRI, BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, or PHSC).

Technical Program Fee - $15.00 per Technical program course credit hour (Course prefix of AST, CAD, CEO, CIT, CRT, CT, ET, HVAC, MT, & TECH, excludes Truck Driving, Welding, all Northark Tech Center Courses, and courses CT 1021 , ET 1001 , ET 1002 , and TECH 1102 ).

Truck Driving Program Fee - $1,800.00 per program (Courses at regular tuition rates, based on residency).

Welding Fee - $20.00 per Welding course credit hour.

Welding Certification Fee - $100.00 (Courses WLD 1184 , WLD 2505 , WLD 2605 , WLD 2705 , and WLD 2805 ).

North Arkansas College offers a Golden Ager waiver of general student fee charges for senior citizens 60 years of age or older in compliance with A.C.A. §6-60-204:

When any person sixty (60) years of age or older is admitted and enrolls as a student in any state-supported institution of higher learning in this state, the Board of Trustees of the institution or other appropriate institutional officials shall waive all the general student fee charges for each student on a space-available basis in existing classes. Fees will be waived only for courses organized to grant credit and recognized by the Department of Higher Education for credit.

Credit and Payment Policy

Students who register for classes at North Arkansas College are required to pay all related tuition and fees or have made allowable payment arrangements by the posted deadline. Any tentative enrollment will be voided if payment arrangements are not made by this deadline. Payment arrangements include awarded financial aid, written, non-revocable payment commitments from approved third-party entities, or certain timed installment payment agreements via e-Cashier.

Charges to awarded financial aid require that (1) the application has been filed, (2) eligibility has been determined, (3) any selected data has been verified, and (4) the actual award has been processed. Any awarded financial aid will be used to first satisfy any account balance before the residual, if any, is remitted to the student.

The following procedure will be applied to students who are awarded financial aid (institutional awards and scholarships) and also have written non-revocable payment commitments from an approved third-party entity (State, Federal or other approved entity), or certain timed installment payment agreements (e-Cashier):

  1. Financial aid will be processed in the order and by designated commitment of aid received.
  2. Financial aid will be used as designated to first satisfy any account balance before the residual, if any, is remitted to the student.
  3. As payment commitments from third-party entities are received, the funds will be applied to account balances as designated, with the residual, if any, reimbursed to the student.

Any timed installment payment arrangement (online e-Cashier feature) will require full payment within fifty (50) days from the start of the Fall and Spring semesters and prior to the start of classes of the Summer I, Summer II, and any offered mini terms. Timed installment payment arrangements will include an application fee, possible processing fees, potential delinquent payment fees, and acceptance of possible collection costs.

Students electing any qualified payment arrangement agree to the stipulation that upon any arrangement default or delinquent account status, North Arkansas College may deny future enrollment and/or refuse to release any transcriptions and records until the debt is satisfied.

Course textbooks and supplies obtained from the North Arkansas College Bookstore may only be charged to awarded financial aid with adequate remaining coverage after any tuition and fee charges or to written, non-revocable payment commitments from approved third-party entities. Bookstore purchases will not be eligible for any timed installment payment arrangement.

Delinquent Accounts and Collection Policy

North Arkansas College may deny future enrollment and/or refuse to release any transcripts and records until any delinquent account balance or debt to the college is satisfied. Delinquent accounts may also be subject to additional charges, including late fees, processing fees, collections costs, and attorney fees.

Additionally, North Arkansas College may pursue delinquent account collection through in-house efforts, public collection agencies, and/or garnishment of an individual’s Arkansas State Income Tax Refund, as allowed by Arkansas Statute 26-36-301.

Payment Information

Online account payment capabilities and certain payment arrangement options are available using the e-Cashier/Campus Connect link from the web page of North Arkansas College (www.northark.edu). Use of this service requires a valid Discover, MasterCard, or Visa credit card, or a checking or savings account; and certain application and transaction fees may apply.

Payment arrangements with e-Cashier will be available through the last day of registration.

Regular cash, check, or credit card payments may be transacted in person at:

South Campus North Campus
Student Accounts Front Office (N100)
1515 Pioneer Drive 1320 N. Spring Road
Harrison, AR 72601 Harrison, AR 72601

Additionally, valid credit card payments may be made via phone at
(870) 391-3292 or (870) 381-3219.

Regular payments may be mailed to:

North Arkansas College
Attn: Student Accounts
1515 Pioneer Drive
Harrison, AR 72601


Students desiring to withdraw from class should refer to the withdrawal section of this catalog. Upon official withdrawal from class, the College will refund tuition and fees according to the following schedule:

Refund Rate

Before 4:00 p.m. on the 5th weekday after the start
(2nd day - summer term)
100% of the semester
Before 4:00 p.m. on the 10th weekday after the start 
(3rd day-summer term)
75% of the semester
Before 4:00 p.m. on the 15th weekday after the start
(4th day-summer term)
50% of the semester
After 4:00 p.m. on the15th weekday after the start none of the semester (4th day-summer term).

All resulting student refund disbursements occurring as a result of class withdrawal after payment, excluding student financial aid disbursements, will be mailed approximately one (1) month from the close of registration and on a two-week cycle thereafter. Refund/Credit is based 31 upon the total cost of classes to the extent of amount paid. The refund schedule for classes that have a term start date that is different from the regular semester schedule will be adjusted proportionally.

Student financial aid disbursements will be issued via Direct Deposit. Students electing to receive a disbursement check must opt out of the standard Direct Deposit method.

Caution: Financial Aid recipients should take note that dropping some/all classes may partially reduce or revoke financial aid and could result in a significant account balance due or, if financial aid residual has already been received, you may be responsible for some repayment.

Textbook Returns, Refunds, and Buy-Backs

The Bookstore will only issue a refund for a returned textbook during the semester upon class cancellation by the college or official class withdrawal by the student (an official “drop slip” will be required). Any textbook refund during the semester will be subject to exactly the same published refund schedule for tuition and fees.

The college and/or external book dealer may offer to buy back a particular course textbook for a slightly discounted price at the end of the semester. However, this buy-back opportunity is subject to selected book editions and determined book quantities for future academic semesters and is in no way a guarantee by the college to repurchase any course textbook. Buyback will occur during finals week for the Fall and Spring semesters. During the two Summer sessions, Buyback will be on finals day.

Please note that expenses for books and supplies required for courses are additional out-of-pocket costs for students. Students are responsible to purchase required books and supplies via awarded financial aid or personal payments. Books and supplies expenses are separate from tuition and fees, and thus, should not be included with tuition and fee payments. Expenses for books and supplies are estimated to be $300 to $900 per semester, depending on the availability of rental options verses purchase prices, and depending on a student’s major and class load.